
1. imsportsvideos ACL Surgery - 3D Reconstruction

2. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction with Neil Bradbury, NeiltheKnee

3. ACL reconstruction, A view inside the knee during ACL reconstruction surgery, The Patient Support Project

4. ACL Series, ReadySetMed, 18 basic, easy to view, instructional videos, Last updated on Dec 24, 2014

5. Sparing the Scalpel: A Surgeon’s Perspective on the Future of Orthopedics, Dr. Brian Cole, TEDx Talks

6. Simple stability exercises witch you can do at home, Pieter Keulen at MTC Pieter Keulen AG (in German)

7. Exercises - simple, Derek Rasmussen

8. More advanced jumping exercises, 4 meses desde operación de LCA y meniscos, Diego Jiménez

9. ACL Tear Stretches & Exercises - Ask Doctor Jo, Published on Jun 13, 2016

10. Walking with one crutch (crutch goes on the side of the good leg) Instagram, 12/13/16, Camilo Aldama, elkittygato, Gunnar Athletics


1. Everything you need to know -- from head to turf toe -- about sports injuries, Knee, Stephania Bell ESPN Senior Writer, Feb. 1, 2016

2. A look at sports injuries – Football – Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Tear, Emma James Physio Blog

3. ACL injuries: what you need to know, Duke Health

4. Background on ACL Injuries: ACL Injury Prevention Series, by Rebecca Moore, Performance Health Academy

5. ACL...At Risk, Can a repurposed peripheral help young athletes stay in the game? By Anita Harrison

6. Former NFL QB Charlie Batch’s tech company signs 1st license with Pitt, By New Pittsburgh Courier Newsroom

7. Assessing and Treating Loss of Knee Extension Range of Motion, Michael M. Reinold, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS

8. 6 Exercises To Do Post ACL Knee Surgery, By Kelly Hansen, GAME READY BLOG

9. KneeHab: 7 yoga poses for ACL rehab and recovery, Paula Ashbaugh, Special to the Daily, March 24, 2017

10. Graft Choice in ACL Reconstruction Important for Surgeons, Patients, The American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine

11. Can an ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) be cured without an operation if the ACL has a grade 3 tear? Orthomen July 5, 2016

12. ACL Reconstruction, Specialty Orthopaedics, based in Parramatta, providing orthopaedic service to the Western Sydney area

13. ACL Injury and Surgery: Success and Failure, Kevin R. Stone, M.D., The Huffington Post, 05/16/2016

14. What questions to ask before ACL, Howard J. Luks, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon & Sports Medicine Specialist

15. THE ACL: Fears, Expectations, & Recovery,  BY JOINTPURPOSEFIT, APRIL 4, 2017

16. Sports Injuries: Throwing A Stone In A Pond, The Institute of Sports Performance™, Robert Andrews, M.A., June 11, 2010

17.  Fear of Re-injury in Recovery: Finding A New Way Back, The Institute of Sports Performance™, Robert Andrews, M.A., Nov. 1, 2011

18.  What You Need To Know About ACL Reconstruction, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Vanderbilt Sports Medicine

Rehab Protocol(s)

Start with #1 below to gain an understanding of the rehab process and it will shed light on your specific sugeon's recommended protocol. Yes, it is long, but you have some time to kill on the couch. Try to understand your knee and "your" recovery.

1. ACL Reconstruction: Rehab Program Essentials Seminar | Feat. Tim Keeley | FILEX, Physio Fitness | Physio REHAB | Tim Keeley

2. MOON ACL Rehabilitation Guidelines ,

3. ACL Reconstruction Rehabilitation Protocol Peter J. Millett, MD, MSc The Steadman Clinic Vail, CO


5. The Stone Clinic, Orthopedic Surgery & Rehabilitation, ACL reconstruction rehab protocol

Technical Info.